Bed + Entertainment Center + Shelves + Futon in Evansville, Indiana For Sale
Price: $200
Type: Furniture,
For Sale
- Private.
I have to move out like ASAP cant take any of this stuff with me. Was never home so it is gently used.
Bed is Queen size and includes rolling bed frame and box spring - 1 Year old
Futon turns into a bed - 1 year old
Entertainment system and shelves are from the container store - 1 and half years old
Everything is in great condition. I was never home. I probably paid well over $800 for all of these things.
Will listen to other offers.
Please be able to pick up tomorrow so if you don't think you can get a truck don't contact because all this stuff needs to go.
(May throw in some other appliances for free if you see something you like)